Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Veggie days

     Today is day 20 of my 40 days no-meat eating project... Over 13000 people have already signed up on facebook for this initiative which was set up to create more awareness on the impact of the meat industry on our planet. Did you know that for the production of 1kg beef about 15000 l water is needed...and  going "meatless" for one day shrinks your carbon footprint by 11m²! I'm a real animal lover and after reading and hearing some horrible stories about how this industry treats them, well obviously killing them isn't very nice but pretty necessary for the meat industry, but the way they do it is just so inhumane so when I heard about this 40 day action I immediately wanted to be part of it.
    It's not hard at all and this might just be in my mind but I think I'm actually way less tired than when I do eat meat so I'm sure that when the 40 days are over I'll stick to veggie burgers :-) Every little bit helps the planet!
     Some yummy veggie things:
                                              * Cheese burgers
                                              * Falafel
                                              * I'm not really a huge tofu fan, I'd rather just add some more veggies instead but I'm still just starting out, so if you have a great recipe don't hesitate to share it here!


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