Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hands up for fresh talent part 1

Yesterday we had our kick-off concert in Brussels at the ULB and VUB and it was awesome!
I had so much stress because the night before one of my guitarists quit, the night before... can you believe it!!! So needless to say I didn't get much sleep and had a quite stressful drive on my way to the concert... When I told the other band members they weren't impressed either but we said we'd give it our best and we still had one guitarist left :-) And it turned out that it sounded way better with only one guitar! So all that stress for nothing, and so it seems that "in the end everything will be alright", is true!

Here are some pictures of the first stop on our "hands up for fresh talent tour"

Very good turnout and lovely crowd!
This truck can open up and turns into our stage! It's kinda like a transformer :p
but as you can see it's quite big and we had some problems getting it to the performance place..
but again, it turned out fine and we rocked it!

Next stop: 4/05 Leuven!


  1. Aaaaah Leuven! That's where I'll be! Het zag er heel leuk uit, maar wel bitchy van je gitarist hoor :o

  2. heyyy I'm glad you made it!
    I wish I could have been there :(
    How was the concert at KultuurKaffee?

    See you Alice, and good luck with the contest!

